Saturday 31 December 2016

About ME - Why From an Employee to an Entrepreneur? It's all about a CHOICE!

Have you ever thought of where you want to be in the next 5 years?

In ESBI quadrant, where are you now, and where you want to be in the next 5 years?
I used to be in the E quadrant for 10 years, and now in the B quadrant for 3 years! Moving from employee to entrepreneur, though it wasn't planned for me but it happened FOR me. I see myself as fortunate and blessed, as I didn't really have to transit through the S quadrant to be landing eventually in the B & I quadrants, which give you the freedom lifestyle, that I believe a lot of people are looking and longing for!   
Are you ready for exciting 2017?

With a lot of "BAD NEWS" about the slowing down of economy, expecting rough water next year, etc. There are going to be turbulent ahead!

Do you want to turn all the challenges into your GREAT OPPORTUNITIES and your COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES?

Come and learn more from me on the 3rd Jan 2017, for the current IN thing in the market, the O2O business model, where we have combined the best of both world!

Do you want to make a difference for year 2017?
Don't miss out this session!

Together we stay healthy, wealthy and happy! May all have a prosperous and bountiful year 2017!

Freedom is Precious!
Freedom is Priceless!
Are You on The Right Path to Your Freedom?

Thanks & Best Regards,
Raine Tan
Ultimate Freedom Coach
🌎eLEAD ID: 00057611🌎
WhatsApp: +65 98006016
WeChat: HFFUltimateFreedom